Sunday, March 30, 2008 @11:26 PM

today is hebe's birthday! :D
went to a musical instrument shop to look for a piano keyboard after praying.
bought one for my brother at a special price of $199. haha this is the most expensive present i have ever gotten for someone.
oh and i saw ying teng there! :)
then my mother bought me a new watch! :D
hmm then immediately started chiong-ing my homework when we got home.
i think i make my whole family feel fan too whenever i get so stressed and emotional over school and friendship stuff.
it's a reason why i am blogging more often now and that's one weird thing about me.
the more busy i get, the more i want to squeeze out time to blog.
the more nervous and urgent the situation gets, the more i feel like relaxing.
the more hardworking the people around me are, the more i want to slack.
hmmmmm i don't know if i can still stay strong enough to overcome all my problems.
let's just see how things go. :]
i want to cry no more;
@2:20 AM
it's 2.22 am now.
finally sort of finished doing my part researching for the geog project just a few mins ago.
it had been a tiring day. basically because i haven't been getting enough sleep these days so i get increasingly lethargic as days go by.
went for fiesta in the afternoon with my sister.
didn't walk around much.
haha it was really easy and swift spending all the tickets just on eating itself since the food sold there was super duper ex.
three cups of ice-cream with extra toppings costing 4 dollars each, one slurpee for 3 dollars, three fishballs for 3 dollars, one unknown thingy for 1 dollar, one nasi lemak at offer for 1 dollar and ta-da, there went my 20-dollar tickets.
met leonie and cheryl! :D
then we stayed in the band room for some time talking and doing some stupid stuffs. haha.
then they went off with their friends.
hmm then.. me and sister stayed for a while and left.
then we celebrated my brother's birthday.
had steamboat for dinner then bought presents for him.
came home at around 10 plus. slept for a short while then went to bathe.
then cut the cake and ate. yummy
then started doing research on bam earthquake and sent it to janice at around 2.15 as promised.
and finally, here i am blogging.
oh no i still have to get up early tmr to go huay guan to pray. :(
okay.... my head is getting very heavy now............
Friday, March 28, 2008 @11:38 PM
today was a much better day. :)
my class celebrated birthday for the jan, feb and march babies.
we had a rather small 1 kg strawberry cheesecake for them. there is a total of 24 people in our class so each of us only got to eat a pathetic portion of the cake. haha nevertheless it tasted really nice. :)
hmm then.. had lunch with stupid(= cute) jermaine at nyp.
she watched me eat because she was too full to eat anymore.
after that i was supposed to go back to school again for band prac. i had been dreading it since tues because mr alvin had said that he would test the euphoniums on the running notes.
after we had parted ways for some time, this jermaine in her usual stupidness (= cuteness) realised she had forgotten to return me my wallet which she had secretly kept with her all the while without me being aware of it.
haha so she still had to go all the way back to school to pass it back to me. then she watched us during sectionals by pretending to be a weird person studying in the same room while we practised on our euphos. haha. :D
all of us aren't feeling happy in band because we feel very discriminated.
so, we came up with a plan as an act of rebellion of the euphos. x)
if we really decided to quit band tgt, then rachel wants to join hockey, feng ping wants to join harmonica and i want to join guitar. then maybe the three of us can go join the reality martial arts tgt. :)
apparently, our plan failed cos:
#1 mr alvin was surprisingly in a good mood today
#2 he didn't do year of the dragon, thus no testing of running notes
#3 he gave us a relatively easy piece for us to play
#4 he ended the prac about 20 mins earlier
maybe today wasn't fated to be our last day in band.
actually i was to meet up with jingwen and chewpin after band to go back st nicks to witness the homerun. but then our plan was cancelled somehow.
so, i will just be going for fiesta tmr. pretty excited cos i really miss sn alot.
yeah and tmr is my bro's birthday too!
all-time favourite :Dhahaha the campfire song song! x)
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 @11:54 PM
i am tired.
i had a nice talk with jingwen today while having a little dinner together. :)
school has been rather
sucky for me.
i have never really used the word before. this shows that how much life really sucks. :/thanks for her being there for me just at the right time when i desperately need to talk to someone who understands me. otherwise, i guess i could have just broken down.
haha we've made a pact with each other. if by the mid- year we still can't cope or school isn't getting any better, we shall go poly during its second intake and study psychology together.
hmm.. :)
Monday, March 24, 2008 @11:36 PM
i am supposed to start on my binomial tutorial which has to be handed in tmr and yet i find myself surfing the net instead.
haiz let's just hope i will make full use of all the free periods i have tmr to complete it. :/
i am trying to seek comfort in myself by looking for something that is relaxing and interesting to do.
so i decided to do some quizzes in an attempt to entertain myself at the same time.
What Celeste Koh Means

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life.
You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip.
People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life.
You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you.
At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
i chanced upon this.
this is really interesting. i find some of the parts that it says are rather true.
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)

Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.
Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.
hmm.. actually i was supposed to continue on my previous post about the things that took place last week.
but aiyah, i feel lazy now.
wait till i figure out how to upload pictures from my new phone, then i shall update again la.
i feel a little better now, i guess. :/
Friday, March 21, 2008 @12:44 AM
i had just made an important decision when i was on the train home.
finally after listening to different advices from different people.
i smsed the teacher ic and that's it- i gave up on joining guitar and decided to stay in band.
i hope to try my best not to regret my decision later on. :/
it was me who wanted to join guitar in the first place but instead, i chose to join band in the end despite how much i dislike the band.
whereas jingwen decided to leave the band to join guitar.
haha so ironic.
to be con'td
Friday, March 14, 2008 @10:13 PM
the conductor is really erm... dislikeable? i know it's unfair of me as i tend to compare him with ms sia. but.. i can't help it laaa.
he doesn't care about the euphoniums. okay la, i used to feel that ms sia neglected the euphoniums too. maybe the whole world never really care about us. haha
now he is planning to pull one of us out to play the trombone.
who should opt out?
according to him, the best and the lousiest players should stay. the middle one should go instead.
but he wants rachel to stay. so it's either me or feng ping now.
feng ping used to play trombone in her pri sch but she is a marvellous euphonium player. she is especially pro in playing high notes. she can somewhat effortlessly hit a high g, a or even a b note.
i am obviously the lousiest player but i will feel bad if she were to leave the section in the end. it will be such a waste to the euphonium section.
i am not against the idea of me going to the trombone section but that would mean i won't be able to perform in the upcoming concert, devoting a larger amount of my time to learn the basic playing of a new instru and all my previous efforts i have put in my euph will be wasted. :/
should i quit band? this is another annoying question i have been fretting about.
there are so many pull and push factors that it's extremely hard to make a decision. :/
hmm holidays are ending soon and i haven't done any of my tutorials yet.
i think i haven't changed one bit.
i am still as slack as ever. leaving everything to the last minute.
i expect myself to be chiong-ing all my homework on sunday.
haha this is so typical of me. :D
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @10:20 PM
i have band prac tmr again. 9 to 4pm. 7 hours.
siao.i think the conductor has a bad impression of me now.
i left the band early ytdy cos i had "tuition". and he wasn't happy with me for missing band prac last fri to go for elaine's concert without informing him beforehand.
he said, "you rather go for other ppl's concert than to prepare for your own one issit?"
scary man.
i don't like the music the band is playing.
we are playing "the year of the dragon" in the year of rat. -.-
this piece is damn demanding la. high notes everywhere and they are the kinds that i have never even seen before. running notes. super fast tempo. can die.
how am i going to play such a piece when playing high notes is my weakest part.
and my pitching is really getting on my nerves. :(
i don't like my section too.
the four of us are like from four different worlds.
nuraini may not be joining band cos her father disallow her to. :(
the other two can click better with each other. both of them are more of the cheery cheery kind of people.
whereas i am a rather dead and lifeless person.
haiz i feel so odd when i am with them. :/
i totally dislike my life now.
i don't want holidays to end so soon.
i don't want to go back to my present school.
i agree with cheryl.
how i wish i can go back to the past, back to st nicks and experience everything all over again.
Monday, March 03, 2008 @10:35 PM
one of the dumbest thing to do is to sit beside jermaine in a chem lecture.
i drew a star on my notes to emphasize the importance of a particular point. she decided to do the same thing too, but she drew a moon instead. -.-
back then before entering jc, i was determined not to join band again.
but now it seems like i'm just destined to be in band. i'm a little reluctant la. yet i can't deny the fact that the feeling is still the best when you are with sth that you are familiar with. in this case, it is the euphonium that warms me up to the idea of joining band again.
tmr will be my first 'official' band prac i suppose. =S
i went for the orientation sort of band prac last friday.
the situation i face now is absolutely different from what i had encountered when i was first recruited into st nicks band.
back then, i was this lonely little sec one euph player. i had seniors who were serious, strict and very disciplined which were enough to scare the core out of me.
now, come aj band, i would expect myself to be a loner again. but surprise! there are three other J1 euph players altogether! and they are like me who haven't been touching the euph for several months alr, except for one first intaker who was alr in band for the first few months. and there isn't any euph senior at all! wow.
i just know my PD class today. a rojak class again with ppl taking different combis.
once again, i am separated from the single class that takes the combi i am taking just like what happened back in st nicks.
haiyo i could have gotten into the same class as the ppl i already know like xinyi, siying they all. now i am stuck in a class with no one i know at all.
haiz the entire getting-to-know-new-friends process has to start over again then.